Start of Development

A few weeks ago our team competed in LoJam 2020.  This is a local GameJam for game developers and students in Ontario. Our game Uhtceare won the Peoples Choice Aware with top scores in gameplay, sound and art. 

You can see our game submission here:

I believe our concept captured something really special. New mechanics, not previously done in a platform puzzler. The depth of which we only just scratched the surface on in our gamejam game. 

As a result we are going to make a full game based on the concept that is our gamejam submission. 
This will be a new game with a new title.  ( working title is Arcane Apprentice)
We are working on the theme and story for the game and many more advanced puzzles and challenges. 

I will do my best to update the devblog here and share builds with our fans to get feedback.

Let the adventure begin!



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